What Do People Do For A Living? A Question I’m Answering With The ‘For A Living’ Blogcast…

Jordy van Bennekom
3 min readDec 23, 2021

I’m creating this ‘blogcast’ because I’m selfish…let me explain:

I don’t think I speak for myself alone when I say: “I have no idea what to do with my life!.” As in: I’ve just finished my studies, or just started my first job, and I don’t know what I like to do.

I mean, I have a vague idea. But what do I know? I haven’t had real-life experience in several jobs within different industries. The solution (of course) is to start somewhere, observe what you like, and adjust on the way.

My solution, however, adds another aspect: Start somewhere + learn from others who have already started.

Therefore, I’m starting a selfish ‘blogcast’.


Yes, it’s a term I invented. A blogcast is a podcast in blogpost format (or the other way around…?).

Instead of interviewing in audio format (as in podcasts), I will ask people from various industries a series of 11 questions about their professions through email — and share their answers here on medium in quoted text format.

So, while reading their answers (as in a blog post), it will be as if you’re hearing them speak (as in a podcast). See what I did there? ;)

Here’s the list of questions I’ll be asking them:

  1. How would you describe what you do for a living? (Try not to use your job title)
  2. As a child, what did you want to become growing up?
  3. What book would you give someone as a gift, and why?
  4. How has a failure in your professional career set you up for later success?
  5. What are bad recommendations you hear in your profession or area of expertise?
  6. Who has been your biggest inspiration, and why?
  7. What would be the worst thing and the best thing about what you do? (If helpful: what makes you want to stay in bed in the morning, and what energizes you at work?)
  8. When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused at work, what do you do?
  9. Imagine every profession would be paid the same, what would you do? (If helpful: What would be your dream job if money wasn’t an issue?)
  10. What advice would you give a young driven student just entering the job market?
  11. What is your favorite quote or life mantra you (try to) live your life by?


Yes. I’m mainly doing this for myself to:

  • Gain a broader perspective on what is possible in terms of jobs and careers.
  • To discover what people really do on a daily basis. (and not merely learn about all the job titles in existence)
  • To connect with great people
  • To learn from the mistakes of others

Simply put: I’m doing this to get a less vague idea about what I like to do.

Of course, I’m not ONLY selfish. I expect I’m not the only one struggling with this issue, which is why I’m sharing their answers here on medium — in 2022 on a weekly basis.

“A smart man learns from his mistakes a wise man learns from the mistakes of others” — Otto von Bismarck



Jordy van Bennekom

I write to learn how to live: Psychology, Philosophy, and Life Experiments | Free Course on Expanding Your Comfort Zone : https://djordyshore.gumroad.com/l/bycz